Friday, March 28, 2008


This is a poem i wrote many moons ago. I know you can't really read it but i posted it anyway for nostalgia reasons. I take to writing poems or songs every so often, its not something i plan but the urge to write one comes over me suddenly then it usually flows out quite quick. I think that the poems or songs that are written come from something other than ourselves, god has got his hand in it. Its him who puts the inspiration in us and blesses us with the words we use. Anyway, i think i will post more about this in the future because i feel i've more to say. God bless. Billy.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sally The Dog

This is sally, rab's dog. She is very good natured but i think she looks like a big ailen. She is a greyhound and supposidley she won 29 races which is not bad going at all. I would like my own dog but joanna's not having it so i suppose i wont have anyone or anything to go midnight strolls with. Aw well, over and out and god bless. Billy.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


My laptop which i use to access this blog and my email etc. I swear its got a life of its own because it does strange things from time to time.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My Ipod

My ipod charging. It doesnt matter how long i charge it for it doesnt power to the max. Dont know if i'm doing something wrong or what. I dont actually like ipod's that much because their very limited to what they can do, for instance you can only use itunes to transfer music whereas with conventional mp3 players you can use simple drag and drop. The ipod ties you to itunes which means apple monopolises your computer. I got this ipod for cheap though, thats why i am using one. In time i will buy a decent mp3 player for myself. I doubt i will ever use itunes to download music as i get all my music through bittorrent. Anyway time to say adios ous. Over and out. God bless. Billy

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Here's a wee funny looking car that lies stranded outside my maw's. Its never in use so i wonder if it gets lonely. Goodbye and god bless. Billy

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Table

A table in my maw's kitchen simply being a table.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Jade n Casey

Picture of my two beautiful neices.

The Lads

Photo of the lads at a recent night in richy's. Good time was had by all. God bless. Billy

Liam shute

Liam going down a shute backwards.